
R-32 - Proven in Over 230 Million Units Installed Around the World

R-32 has been safely deployed in over 230 million units in the US and around the world. In more than 130 countries and regions, mechanical contractors and service technicians are already knowledgeable and skilled in its safe and effective handling in many HVAC applications. With this track record, R-32 has become the de facto global standard to replace R-410A.

R-32 - Easy to Top Off and Recharge in the Field

As a pure, single-component refrigerant, R-32 can be topped up and recharged in the field, in both liquid and gas phases, without changes in composition. It is easy to clean and reuse on-site, and easy to reclaim off-site with a simple cleaning process..

R-32 - Up to 12% More Efficient Than Comparable R-410A Systems

Test data in Daikin's labs of inverter-driven compressors for rooftop units and water-cooled chillers found that full-load and partial-load efficiency rating metrics can be improved by up to 12% using R-32 instead of R-410A.


R-32 - Available: A Commodity With No Active Patents on the Refrigerant

R-32 is a commodity manufactured by numerous refrigerant producers and distributed globally. There are no active patents on the basic molecule. Some alternative low-GWP blends can be proprietary, potentially limiting access and supply and driving up cost.